
HackTheBox Sense Write-up

Sense was a HackTheBox machine that really tested my patience during the enumeration phase. It is a box designed around the popular pfSense firewall. Let's dive in! Firstly, we start our usual standard nmap scan: Starting Nmap 7.60 ( https://nmap.org ) at 2018-02-27 19:44 CET Nmap scan report for Host is up (0.034s latency).… Continue reading HackTheBox Sense Write-up


Goodbye Trip: Campana & Punta Chame

As most of my stories in Panama this trip starts with some new friends. At my workplace, the Universidad Tecnológica de Panamá (UTP), I didn't have much contact with students, because I spent most of my time on campus inside an office. The international office of the uni was very engaged however and regularly asked… Continue reading Goodbye Trip: Campana & Punta Chame


A Trip to Paradise – Bocas del Toro

In travel magazines, you always see the same ad pictures. Crystal clear water gently stroking the white-sand beach bordered by palm trees. Deep cyan colours meet intense whites and greens. Amidst this paradisal scenery happily sits a woman drinking from a coconut, enjoying the sun. HARD CUT - company name appears. Guess what - I… Continue reading A Trip to Paradise – Bocas del Toro