
HackTheBox Registry Write-up

Registry is a box rated at hard difficulty. There are quite a few steps involved, but with a bit of persistence and little experience with Docker internals (hint hint), it looks more daunting than it actually is. Let's go through the process of breaking in step by step! Out initial nmap scan is as unexciting… Continue reading HackTheBox Registry Write-up


HackTheBox OpenAdmin Write-up

OpenAdmin is yet another medium-difficulty machine, which was a blast to hack on! It involved dealing with various stack components, such as interacting directly with a MySQL database. Furthermore, hopping across multiple users through different escalation vectors was very satisfying. Let's see how it is done! Our first nmap scan does not yield any exciting… Continue reading HackTheBox OpenAdmin Write-up


HackTheBox Traverxec Write-up

Traverxec is an interesting box, mainly because the HackTheBox team rated it as easy while the community disagreed and voted it to medium difficulty. It involved a funky privilege escalation that I had not seen before. Let's see how it's done! Our first nmap scan does not return exciting results: $ nmap -sS -sC -oN… Continue reading HackTheBox Traverxec Write-up


HackTheBox fs0sciety Write-up

fs0ciety is yet another low-hanging fruit among the HackTheBox challenges. It's great for beginners who want to test their process for cracking password-protected zip files and recognition of various encodings. For that, we will use fcrackzip - simply for the reason that it has been around for ages and ships with Kali by default. I… Continue reading HackTheBox fs0sciety Write-up