
Construct Truffle Artifact Source Lists

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels This is a quick and dirty workaround for an issue that has been bugging me a lot. Truffle is one of the central, if not the most central development tool for building smart contracts on Ethereum to date. When compiling a Truffle project, the output is stored in build/contracts by default. An… Continue reading Construct Truffle Artifact Source Lists


The Web3 API has come to Python!

Last week I received an email in my inbox about a hackathon hosted by the awesome folks over at Amberdata. They are a provider for on-chain data and cover a large variety of blockchains - including Ethereum, Bitcoin, and Stellar. I have met the developers in the team in late 2018 when I was looking… Continue reading The Web3 API has come to Python!